
What Is Bio Energy Healing?

Conventional medicine usually blames illness on infection or damage to a specific part of the body, but health also depends on a system which is invisible to modern medicine called ‘life energy’ or ‘bio-energy’.

When we are healthy, this energy, which is known as ‘chi’ in Chinese medicine, flows freely and strongly around the body. When it is blocked, we get ill.

Momo’s treatment does not entail any physical contact with the patient; it is based on his empathising with the patient’s energy points or chakras. When something blocks one of the chakras the whole body is affected. Chakras are not only affected by physical blockages, but emotional problems can also stop ‘positive’ energy from circulating.


What Is The Treatment All About?

By passing his hands over the patient’s body from a distance, Momo immediately recognises whether organs in the body are healthy or impaired. He will feel ‘hot pain’ over organs that are sick and these are the places he concentrates his energy on. In most cases, a course of further treatments is then agreed, which is given on consecutive days.

During the treatment, Momo’s right hand feeds positive energy into the patient, which revitalises the impaired cells, while his left hand extracts the negative energy, thereby balancing the body’s energy level. This leads to the restoration of the patient’s good health. After each treatment the negative energy is cleansed from Momo’s body – the patient can hear a ‘clicking’ sound coming from his fingers as he draws off the negative energy.

Momo views each patient as an individual. Consequently it is not possible to forecast any results other than to suggest a potential response based on previous experiences. Many patients say they have been relieved of their symptoms and often this is obvious to the eye.

Every patient and condition are different, but Momo’s success in the cases he treats also depends upon the co-operation of the patient in carrying out his instructions after treatment.

Alcohol should not be consumed during the course of the treatment.

Once the course of treatments is over, Momo will offer ‘absent healing’ or ‘distance healing’ (using the patient’s picture) in order to maintain a good circulation of positive energy within the patient’s body.

Momo has many patients recommended to him, often by conventional medical practitioners. He is highly successful in treating the following conditions:

– Mayalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.)
– Post Viral Syndrome
– Energy related problems
– Depression
– Psychological disturbances
– Infertility
– Sport injuries
– Arthritis
– Rheumatic problems
– Migraine
– Ear, nose and throat conditions
– Asthma
– Multiple sclerosis in the early stages
– Numerous other problems